Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Kita adalah insan
Menumpang atas dunia
Aku dengan caraku
Yang sederhana

Kita adalah hamba
Berbakti pada Yang Esa
Aku mencari sinar

Kita sama sahaja
Bezanya cuma amalan kita
Engkau dan juga aku
Saling perlukan

Oh cinta yang murni
Sebagai ikatan
Yang kukuh di hati
Demi masa depan
Jangan dihancurkan
Hidup yang indah ini
Akibatnya merana

Jangan hancurkan
Hidup yang indah
Kita adalah hamba Yang Esa

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Remember 5 things Before 5

Among the main requirements for a change for the better is willing to be reprimanded and to be guided, even if it is painful and bitter. Moreover, not too late in wanting to change now. That really Nothing gonna change that time when death comes!!

p/s : Ingat 5 perkara sebelum datang 5 perkara LAGI.. 

Be like an origami paper

Be like an origami paper, 
paper originally plain and simple. 
But because it allow itself folded and bent
the result is more beautiful and attractive

Aku Ingin mencintaimu...

Tuhan betapa aku malu

Atas semua yang Kau beri
Padahal diriku terlalu sering membuat-MU kecewa

Entah mungkin karna ku terlena
Sementara Engkau beri aku kesempatan berulang kali agar aku kembali
Dalam fitrahku sebagai manusia untuk menghamba pada-MU
betapa tak ada apa-apanya
aku dihadapan-MU

Aku ingin mencintai-MU setulusnya sebenar-benar aku cinta
dalam doa
dalam ucapan
dalam setiap langkahku
aku ingin mendekati-MU
sehina apapun diriku
untuk bertemu dengan-MU Ya Rabbi…

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am chocolate & Ice Cream lover

Firstly I LOVE chocolate.... but, I dont know why???

LIFE is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. 
It takes you by surprise at first but keeps you warm for a long time.
I will also take my Hot MILO day and night... definitely everyday..

Secondly I LOVE Ice Cream too.. but with Strawberry flava ... nyummy3~

There is a quote which says,
” life is like an ice cream; eat it before it starts melting.” 
And I think that this comparison to our life is truly judged.

How about You???

P/s : Yeah, nice simile for life. I definitely see it that way! I mean life will be over and gone wether you make the best of it and enjoy it or not. So, why sit there and let it "melt" or fade away?? The purpose of being on this Earth IS to enjoy being here while seeking God's Word and fulfilling his special purpose/plan for our lives!! It's all to prepare for (to eat) a new "ice cream" which will never melt. (or be over) Have a blessed day !! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Graduation Day- Suria Salha

Ini Ceriter Aku...

8 October 2012- Monday
IIUM, Gombak

Lepas tarikh keramat ini, aku adalah graduan freshgraduate..
Apelagi.. my current job as job hunter is begin, even now
M still in the training programme for Project Management Cert
Wish me all d best!! ^_^